Thursday, February 20, 2020

What is ICD-10 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

What is ICD-10 - Research Paper Example Each category includes a set of related diseases or health conditions. Buechner (2002) states that there are over 120,000 codes available in ICD-10. ICD-10 is actually a diagnostic code set that interprets the signs, symptoms, diagnosis of diseases, abnormalities and other health conditions from words to codes which are used to store, retrieve and analyze the data later on (World Health Organization, 2004, p. 3). It was originally meant for the statistical classification of mortality rate recorded at the time of death registration. Afterwards, it played its role in compilation of morbidity statistics as well. ICD-10 was published in 1992 and has been in use in WHO Member States since 1994 after getting approved by the forty-third World Health Assembly in 1990. ICD-10 was published when the need for a stable and flexible classification system was felt that would not require revisions for many years. The Federal agency, the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) in the United States, holds the responsibility for the maintenance of ICD-10. WHO has approved the expansion of versions of ICD-10 to be used in the United States for typical government reasons. All amendments to be done to the ICD-10 must obey the rules laid down by WHO conferences for the ICD. ICD-10-CM is the clinical modification of ICD-10 and is referred to as a new diagnosis coding system that has replaced volumes 1 & 2 of ICD-9-CM. it was developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; while, the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) holds the responsibility to maintain this clinical modification coding. According to AHIMA (2009), it is a morbidity classification system that classifies the diagnoses of diseases along with other reasons for healthcare encounters. Health conditions are given alphanumeric codes comprising of 3-7 digits. The clinical modification contains features that give

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Religion of the Native Americans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Religion of the Native Americans - Essay Example The present research has identified that in many Indian tribes healing, spiritual belief or power, and community are not separated. Often the cause of a disease is considered to be an imbalance between spiritual, physical, mental aspects of a personality; Indian medicine is a medicine of spirit that restores order in a human soul by ceremonies, special forms of prayer, honoring the sacred and herbal remedies. Many Western pharmaceuticals are actually based on Native American Herbal medicine. Dietary rules of Indians largely depend on the geographic area. Location is the major determinate of the way a tribe acquired food; in some tribes, the major source of food was hunting, whereas others specialized in fishing, gathering, planting, desert farming. Native American food can be dangerous, traditional ethnic food involves risk, as home processed sea mammal blubber "foster continuation and growth of Clostridium botulinum. These bacteria produce the deadly botulinal toxin that causes the disease." This disease, botulism, affects nerve transmission what results is paralysis and possible death. Even though cultural traditions die hard and some just cannot give up eating fermented fish heads and seal flippers, in general, Native Americans adjusted to modern food customs. These sacred places are experienced by Native Americans as alive where unknown becomes known. In such way, Indians have no Sabbath Sunday every week, but they do have everyday prayer and rest when there is a need for it. Â  Native American Vision Quest is a substitute for Baptism in Christianity. Boys at puberty "are encouraged to enter into a period of fasting, meditation and physical challenge. He separates himself from the tribe and goes to a wilderness area. The goal is to receive a vision that will guide his development for the rest of his life." Vision Quest is obligatory only for Indian boys; girls usually get their ears pierced at the same age. Â  Indian medicine man is called Shaman. This ho ly man not only healed the sick by smoking tobacco, performing dances, burning sweet grass and praying to the spirits but also could interpret dreams and signs, change the weather and foretell future. Indians also used medicine bundles that contained unusual rocks, herbs, animal skin, and a strand of hair. As the owner of the bundle grew older, more items were added. A medicine bundle could be passed to friends and was buried together with the owner. Mortuary customs of Indians vary from tribe to tribe and in every specific occasion, different rituals are carried out depending on the social and moral condition of a person, ethical conduct of a tribe. Good Indians after death are believed to go to the distant West, where their original ancestors used to live, whereas bad Indians have to serve another earthly life reborn in a body of a grizzly bear as a punishment. That is why Indians do not eat the meat of grizzly bears.